Order Entry
Please complete and submit the new online order form. We strongly encourage you to submit your order before you schedule the helmets to be picked up, this way we know everything needed for when the helmets arrive. We also must require all bag tags and order forms submitted have matching order numbers, return dates and school names. This is not a new practice, just a reminder to all on the importance of this for the purpose of properly matching up orders with their helmets and to organize storage to ensure return dates are honored.
Helmet Tracker
The order form has a field marked for helmet tracker summary email, this provided email address will be the address we send the inventory report when order is completed.
Return Date
The requested return date will be the month you would like your helmets returned to the customer. Please remember we do not recognize days of the month. If and order is needed by June 1st it should have a May or earlier return month.
Please be sure to clearly indicate a return shipping address.
Reconditioning Information
Please select the appropriate options for paint, facemask, jaw pads and chin straps, Including colors and sizes when appropriate. All categories must have a box selected for processing.
After all information is reviewed we will send you a confirmation email letting you know we have received all information needed.
Facemask Re-dips
If the order you are submitting has a request for face mask color change please be sure to mark the order and note the color you would like facemasks re-dipped to. PLEASE MAKE SURE ALL BAG TAGS ARE CHECKED FOR REDIP as these orders are processed separately to ensure enough time is allotted to execute this request.